This is usually the main thing you pay for when charging. Everything else is an add on fee.
EV Charging Pricing
EV charging pricing model should be transparent and simple, created for you to benefit from it.
This is usually the main fee you pay for when charging.
You will be charged for the power that the Charging Station is delivering to your EV.
That's what you actually put in your EV.
You'll be billed for the power transferred to your EV, not your battery!
If during the charging session, there is a consumption in your EV, like climatisation of the EV's interior or battery, some of the deivered power will be used for this and the rest will go to the battery.
This is an add on fee to prevent unnecessary Charging Point occupation.
In busy locations, usually there is a fee based on the time you spend connected to the Charging Station.
During the whole session or after certain amount of time.
Some times, the time based fee is active during the whole charging session, in other cases it can start after some time. ex: 0.50 € per 10 minutes after the first 30 minutes.
Public Charging Stations should be promptly freed.
The public infrastructure is to be used by many drivers. Please make sure that you remove your EV right after finishing your charging session.
Read carefully all the information before charging.
If you plan to leave the EV to charge for a long time, please make sure you have checked all pricing options of the Charging Station to prevent surprise fees.
Usually a small fee charged on charging session start.
Read carefully all the information before charging.
Please make sure you have checked all pricing options of the Charging Station to prevent surprise fees.
A fee charged on Charge Point reservation.
Some Charging Locations provide the Reservation functionality, but usually they charge additional fee for each reservation.
Can increase if you need to extend reservation.
In case when you have placed a reservation, but you need to extend it, the fee can be more expensive than the first one.
Read carefully all the information before charging.
Please make sure you have checked all pricing options of the Charging Station to prevent surprise fees.
Pricing should be easy to understand
To help EV drivers to understand how the EV charging pricing works, we have prepared two examples with the following parameters:
Power delivered to EV:
20 kWh
Time spent on the Charging Station:
30 min
10.00 €
- 0.50 € / kWh
10.70 €
- 0.50 € starting fee
- 0.50 € / kWh
- 0.10 € / min after 10th min
We're here to help
What do I need to pay for charging my EV?
In any case, you need to have some payment method such as debit or credit card, prepaid balance in the profile, voucher with enough unused amount in the profile or to have a corporate business paln if your employer has included you there.
What happens if I have less money in my payment method than the charging session needs?
In most of the cases, you'll be unable to start charging. If you want to charge using POS terminal on Charging Station or Kiosk on Charging Location, or the Web App without profile, or use Balance in the profile, or you have unsettled previous payment, the session wont start.
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